Warranty - Maintainnance

Warranty - Maintenance: Product is supplied by HCM flooring store will be written the warranty policy of manufacturers or importers as committed. Warranty term is noted detailed following product's information. 

* The place of warranty and maitenance is where the products installed. Should provide the address, information of the products, and taking a photo is the best way to get the effective feedback.

Some cases will be free 100% material and installing fee: 

- Material: the failure of technical fault due to manufacture such as: warping, shrinkage, termites, cracked.

Installing: repairing the fault of the installing such as: screwing is not firmly, the gap is not steady, shirting is peeling off...

* Note: should keep the delivery document, invoice and warranty certificate so that HCM store's warranty center can refer to information.

Some maitenance cases with the charge:

- Maintenance is to make the product longevity,  hygiene and aesthetics.

+ Periodical maintenance: defining a specific time to maintain (6 months to 1 year a times)

+ Uncertainty maitenance: when customers need to refurbish, clean or repair any problem happened with the floor.

+ Request moving the floor to the new place, adding the new floor.

Maitaining wood floor : keep the floor to be dry. do not drag sharp and hard thing on the floor. do not put the ice directly on the floor. call us immediately when detedting the problem.  

Contact us: 

Hà Nội: Ngõ P2, Lê Quang Đạo, Mỹ Đình, Nam Từ Liêm. - Tel: 091 8888 750 - Email: khosango.hn@gmail.com